How would you rate your WordCamp experience overall?

What was the best part of this WordCamp?

Please rate the speakers you saw upstairs, in Robertson Auditorium.
Amazing Good Meh. Terrible I didn't see this speaker.
Chris Coyier
Iliya Polihronov
Ilya Grigorik
Kurt Payne
Matt Mullenweg
Andy Peatling
Michael Adams
Isaac Keyet
Ryan Imel
Adii Pienaar
Drew Strojny
Nikolay Bachiyski
Sara Cannon
Leo Babauta
Pete Davies

Chris Coyier

Iliya Polihronov

Ilya Grigorik

Kurt Payne

Matt Mullenweg

Andy Peatling

Michael Adams

Isaac Keyet

Ryan Imel

Adii Pienaar

Drew Strojny

Nikolay Bachiyski

Sara Cannon

Leo Babauta

Pete Davies

Please rate the speakers you saw downstairs, in Fischer Banquet Hall.
Amazing Good Meh. Terrible I didn't see this speaker.
Nir Eyel
Sheri Bigelow
John James Jacoby
Paul Gibbs
Randy Hoyt
Michael Fields
Daniel Bachhuber
James Pearce
Mika Epstein
Trevor Timm
Matt Perry
Noel Tock
Chuck Longanecker
Scott Kingsley Clark

Nir Eyel

Sheri Bigelow

John James Jacoby

Paul Gibbs

Randy Hoyt

Michael Fields

Daniel Bachhuber

James Pearce

Mika Epstein

Trevor Timm

Matt Perry

Noel Tock

Chuck Longanecker

Scott Kingsley Clark

If there was a particularly good speaker or session, please tell us about it.

If there was a particularly poor speaker or session, please tell us about it.

How was lunch?

How would you rate the venue?

How would you rate the after party?

What changes would you like to see for next year?